Dorota Jedryszka

Cranial Osteopathy

Osteopathy for adults and elderly

Dorota Jedryszka

As we get older it is common for the posture to change and for the shoulders and spine to become more rounded and stooped. This can cause muscle and joint pain in the spine and also restrict mobility of the ribs and rib cage making it harder to breathe deeply.
Many people become less active as they get older or are unable to exercise due to pain. This inevitably leads to a loss of muscle tone so the posture is less well supported and the back more vulnerable to injury and strain.

Any significant change in the shape of the spine also changes the internal shape of the body cavities and can affect the function of internal organs. For example, the rounding of the spine in the chest area and the associated restriction of rib movement can make it harder to breathe deeply. The chest area is one of the first to tighten up when we are worried or under stress. Tension causes muscles to tighten, especially the diaphragm, and reduces the ability of the chest to expand fully in breathing. This can cause breathlessness. Improving the mobility of the spine and ribs can often make breathing easier. Gentle osteopathic treatment to the spine and related structures can release tension in muscles. This helps to encourage normal breathing movements and helps lungs to work to their best potential.

Most people will have suffered trauma at some point in their life such as from falls, car accidents, or sport injuries. It is well known that injury to a joint increases the likelihood of arthritis developing. Arthritis can affect any joint in the body, but the back , hips, and knees are most common and debilitating.

Gentle manipulative osteopathic treatment can help to improve local circulation around the joint, release muscle tension and improve the range of motion of the joint. Treatment can also help to reduce the stain on other parts of the body so that the arthritic joint is better tolerated.

If replacement surgery on an arthritic joint is finally needed, the body tissues are generally in better health and this aids recovery. Treatment after surgery can help the rest of the body cope with the demands of rehabilitation of the affected joint.

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