Dorota Jedryszka

Cranial Osteopathy

Osteopathy for Babies

Dorota Jedryszka

The labour process is very demanding for both mother and baby. The baby’s head has the ability to mould and change shape in response to regular labour. The distortions in the head, which are a normal result of the labour, are usually released naturally afterwards. However, if birth stresses remain unresolved then the baby must adapt to and accommodate these stresses and strains as s/he grows. This may cause the baby to either be physically uncomfortable and therefore unhappy, or to develop in an asymmetrical way. Unresolved birth stresses and the body’s adaptations to them, are at the root of many different problems both in childhood and in adult life. Having ventouse or forceps delivery, fast or slow labour, would be a direct indication of the need for cranial osteopathy.

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